Rwby is American anime series which was later developed into a video game by Rooster Teeth. Set in the future fantasy world of Remnant, you too can dress like your favorite character such as Ruby Rose or Weiss Schnee and battle those voracious monsters, scale the treacherous terrains and save the world from malevolent rogues.
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Qrow Branwen is the uncle of Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long. He is a teacher at Signal Academy. He was mentioned in "Ruby Rose" as being the one who taught Ruby how to fight and wield her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe, Crescent Rose.
Jaune Arc a blonde-haired student and the leader of Team JNPR who wields a sword and shield named Crocea Mors, an heirloom formerly belonging to his great-great-grandfather. The shield can fold into a sheath for his sword. Jaune is quite clumsy and has very low self-esteem, often being prone to bullying at the hands of Cardin Winchester. He got into Beacon using fake transcripts, having never attended combat school. However, Jaune has demonstrated capable leadership skills and good tactical judgment. He is also revealed to possess a strong 'aura' which allows him to heal himself, although he cannot yet control this ability. His name is derived from Joan of Arc, with his first name, "Jaune", also being the French word for the color yellow. He is revealed to be an exceptional dancer, which he attributes to having had seven sisters.